Minutes of IQAC meeting(s) and compliance to the decisions(2020-21)
Minutes of IQAC(2019-20) 1: To set up a power inverter in staff Room: A meeting of IQAC was held on 05-04-20 and decided to set up a power inverter in staff Room in case electricity fails. All the members felt the necessary requirement and agreed to the agenda to implement it without delay. 2: Repairing work: A meeting of IQAC was summoned on 7-05-20 and deliberated on the issue of repairing work. The committee members investigated the repairing work and finally agreed to approve the required expenditures. 3:Deep Boring for water supply: In course of time the campus suffered water crisis specially in summer day. So a meeting of IQAC called on 8-06-20 and raised the issue of water supply in which the members were agreed to initiate a deep Boring for water supply. 4: Printing materials: The institution , MMG has already computer system for different documents requires printing materials. A meeting of IQAC was held on 23-06 -20 and awakened the requirement of materials , the members approved the proposal.
The Minutes of IQAC meeting (2018-19) 28-11-2018: Construction of Botanical Garden The institution, MMG held a meeting on 28-11-2018 and ensured to construct a Botanical garden to the south of old Science Building. The institute, MMG has however available a small botanical garden with remarkable plants, it decided to construct a larger Botanical garden of specific dimension i.e. about 70 feet long and 50 feet width. 17-12-2018: Common Room for Girls The institution, MMG summoned a meeting of IQAC on 17-12-2018 to discuss the strategies how to increase the quality of the institution and discussed to build a special common room for girls. The secretary of the institution accepted the proposal in affirmative way to carry on it. 18-01-2019: Arrangement of solar energy equipments. A meeting of IQAC held on 18-01-19 and insisted on the arrangement of solar energy equipment to maintain power supply. 11-02-2019: Separate Toilets for Parent A meeting of IQAC organized on 11-02-2019 and discussed to arrange separate Toilets for parent in campus. The Minutes of IQAC meeting(2017-18) 28-11-2017: Congratulation Thanks The institution, MMG held a meeting on 28-11-2017 just on achieving NAAC accreditation as grad ‘B’ on 26-11-2017 with all teaching and non-teaching staffs. The chair man of NAAC congratulated all the teaching and non-teaching staffs whoever cooperated to complete the first cycle NAAC and assured to the best for the forthcoming cycle. 15-12-2017: student teacher ratio The institution, MMG summoned a meeting of IQAC on 15-12-2017 to discuss the strategies how to increase the ratio of student –teacher in the forthcoming year. Most of the teachers joined to spread the message of the institution to induct in admission focusing on higher education. The faculty members tried to interact to the people of rural areas convincing them well furnished arrangement of the institution specifically for the girls. 17-01-2018:Vocational courses A meeting of IQAC held on 17-01-18 and insisted on vocational courses such as computer and skill development to be implemented in a large scale as far as possible. 11-02-2018: Infrastructure A meeting of IQAC organized on 11-02-2018 and focused on infrastructure of the institution and decided that the institution is to be expanded with constructive work. In the meeting brought a proposal to be constructed a Science building filled with well equipments under RUSA. |
Principal : Smt. Kiran Choudhary |